Wednesday, November 08, 2006

ERGONOMICS - Ergonomic Tips for the Holiday

Ergonomic Tips for the Holidays

Ergonomics is the science of fitting the products, jobs, and environments to people in order to improve comfort, safety, efficiency and productivity. With the holidays around the corner, we may be spending more time in the kitchen than usual. Here are some tips to help you think about designing your kitchen to improve comfort, safety, and efficiency.

Store items that you use most frequently (i.e., every day plates and glasses) in the most accessible, easy to reach places. Place infrequently used items (e.g., special plates) in less accessible places such as the very low and very high shelves or over the refrigerator. To reduce strain when reaching for objects in lower cabinets, consider spinning or rotating shelves such as a lazy-Susan or even bins that pull out.

In order to decrease discomfort that can result from extended standing in the kitchen (cooking at the stove or doing dishes at the sink), it is important to wear comfortable, supportive shoes. When standing in one place in front of a cabinet, you can open a lower door to prop a foot up. This not only brings you closer to the counter but by alternating the foot you prop, you can improve circulation and muscle movement. A soft cushioned mat can also help reduce the risk of a tired back or aching feet at the end of the day.

Consider task lighting in the kitchen to illuminate your work. Good lighting can help reduce eye strain and fatigue. Try to plan your meals ahead and prepare as much as possible to reduce last minute grocery trips and stress. Reduce the amount of time any one person spends cooking or cleaning by asking friends and family to pitch in.

Contributed by Mike Amos, US Navy, Atlanta Federal Safety & Health Council


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